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The project

ALFA is set on unlocking the potential of biogas production from livestock farming to enhance the wider uptake of RES and increase the share of bioenergy as a baseload energy source while ensuring reduced emissions from untreated manure and supporting the creation of new jobs and revenue for the livestock farming industry.

During its three years, the project will support at least 50 livestock farmers in 6 EU counties (Greece, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Belgium, and Slovakia) to overcome existing barriers and viably take up biogas solutions whilst providing a more informed basis for citizens, stakeholders, and policymakers by unveiling biogas market dynamics, facts, and perceptions.

ALFA’s Mission       

Upscale the biogas production from livestock farming as an alternative renewable source of energy

The potential of biogas as an alternative renewable source of energy remains highly untapped. The target of more sustainable and clean energy solutions by 2030, along with the increasing need for a secure and competitive energy supply, made essential the utilization of different renewable sources of energy

Biogas production can offer both economic and environmental benefits. By utilizing manure for biogas production, livestock farmers can secure an additional source of income, while they can also use the biogas for covering the farm’s electricity, heat and transport needs. Overall, the widespread adoption of biogas as a source of energy will contribute to a more sustainable and self-sufficient energy sector in Europe, and its citizens will be able to utilize innovative methods for the management of their livestock farms..

ALFA sets to facilitate the integration of theory and practical implementation in the exploration of biogas production from livestock farming.

The project offers a cutting-edge and engaging framework to establish a biogas network, enhance and spread knowledge on biogas solutions, and provide biogas-related technical and business services to the market.

ALFA’s Goals       


Research the state of play of biogas technologies in the livestock farming industry of 6 EU countries (Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Greece, Italy, and Slovakia).


Engage regional stakeholders through the ALFA Hubs to help us better shape our offerings to the local specificities in each country.


Design a portfolio of business and technical services as well as other support activities for the uptake of biogas solutions.


Develop virtual (the ALFA Engagement Platform and Tools) and physical access points for the ALFA support measures.


Provide support to over 50 livestock farmers and other stakeholders in order to invest in biogas solutions.


Increase societal acceptance of biogas solutions through science-based evidence and awareness-raising campaigns.
