What we bring to the tableÂ
- ALFA aims to act as a catalyst for biogas solutions in six EU target countries.
- The project will provide demand-driven support to over 50 livestock farmers to implement biogas solutions such as direct heating, combined heat and electricity generation, and biomethane.
- ALFA will unveil biogas market dynamics to provide a more informed basis for policy-makers and stakeholders.
- The project will create tools to reduce investment risk and promote efficient financial frameworks to facilitate the scalability of biogas.
- ALFA will provide science-based information to livestock farming decision-makers to promote the potential of biogas.
- The project aims to raise awareness among the general public about misperceptions surrounding biogas and bioenergy.
ALFA Engagement Platform Tools Â
Knowledge Center
The Knowledge Center includes information on the framework conditions in our target countries (Greece, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Slovakia and Spain) as well as a rich repository of data and tools for mainstreaming biogas, produced by ALFA or other trustworthy initiatives.
Biogas Forum
The Biogas Forum will serve as an open environment for exchanging good practices, nurturing novel ideas and solutions and making connections. The main target groups are farmers and relevant stakeholders who will be able to request support through our measures. Discussions will also be able to take place in local languages through our Hubs (Greece, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Slovakia and Spain).
Atlas Map
The Atlas Map is a virtual illustration map with successful cases of livestock farms already implementing biogas systems and other spatial info about biogas. Information will be provided both in English and the national languages of the ALFA Hubs aiming to act a s catalyst for cooperative efforts and the development of synergies (either among farms and/or energy intensive industries).
Decision Support Tool
The Decision Support Tool will estimate the potential benefits of biogas solutions customized to each livestock farm’s unique needs. Users will fill in their farm information (no animals, breeds, etc.), and the tool will estimate their profitability while at the same time providing an overview of their social and environmental benefits. The tool will be also available in the national languages of our target countries (Greece, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Slovakia, and Spain).