Food and Bio Cluster Denmark seminar: Agriculture’s opportunities in the green transition – Landbrugets muligheder i den grønne omstilling
The Danish Hub represented by the Food and Bio Cluster, in collaboration with GreenFarm, will host the first ALFA seminar at Gråsten Landbrugsskole, focusing on agriculture’s role in the green transition. GreenFarm is a Danish initiative aimed at reducing greenhouse gases by utilizing agricultural waste for local energy production and creating optimized fertilizers that minimize nutrient leaching. The seminar will explore how Danish agriculture can mitigate the impact of a forthcoming carbon tax and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Experts will discuss topics such as the use of biogenic CO2 and financing the green transition.
DK – Vær med, når GreenFarm og Food & Bio Cluster Denmark med hjælp fra eksperter sætter den grønne omstilling på agendaen.
Vi dykker ned i landbrugets muligheder for at imødegå en kommende CO2-afgift og giver konkrete svar på, hvordan dansk landbrug kan reducere klimagasser. På dagen kommer vi omkring forskellige emner inden for CO2 i landbruget, herunder nyttiggørelse af biogen CO2 og finansiering af den grønne omstilling.
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